Saturday 20 June 2020

Wow totally forgot about this!

6 years later and so much has changed! I remember being quite naive 6 years ago. Living with my (now husband) 2 kids, running a house and thinking I could do it all! 

Firstly, I was so taken in by the beauty blogger world that I wanted a piece of it, this was my toes in the water without any kind of(putting myself out there). An industry so filled with beautiful, creative and talented people, how could I be a part of that?

Also having 2 children it was nice to have something that didnt involve them that only I knew about. I now have 3 children and a bigger house to keep clean! Beauty and makeup somehow is less important to me now.

Since I last wrote I've had another little baby who is 2 next month, lost 6 stone, gained back 4 during pregnancy and losing that again. Moved house 4 times and trained as a hairdresser. 

My interests have obviously changed a lot, now I love home accounts, family bloggers, cooking and still the odd makeup videos etc. 

What are your interests? 

We are vegan and my goal in life is to have a vegan bakery/coffee shop!  

Monday 29 December 2014

So much has happened....

I can't believe it has been so long since I wrote my last post, over a year later and I can't believe how much my family's life has changed! I am now a mum to a 3 year old AND a 7 month old baby girl! Seems crazy that time has gone so fast but so much seems to have happened!

Sadly being a mummy to 2 precious babies means I don't always get the chance to wear makeup and spend as much time pampering myself as I would like. I do still however watch far too much YouTube (babies nap time) and occasionally get chance to wear makeup. 

Anyway I'm back to blogging and obviously I'm going to try and post as often as I can, my posts will be a little different from before, still beauty related but I would like to do more hints and tips for mums on how to make beauty regimes fit around busy lifestyles and children! 

Hope you enjoy it 


Sunday 8 September 2013

My favourite eye creams :)

So up until about 4 - 6 months ago I had NEVER used any sort of eye product, I'm still pretty young so have never really worried about wrinkles, however I am now nearly 25 so thought It was time I started thinking about it. Plus being a Mum to a toddler I don't always get as much sleep as I would like so big black bags are a common feature!

So here are the eye creams that I use and What I think of them, I have got a budget one, a mid range one and a high end one and I am going to do a small review on each.

So I will start with the budget one

Vaseline, Anew Vitale eye cream and Estee Lauder night repair eye cream
Vaseline has been a regular product in my night time skin care routine, you can put a large amount on and let it soak in overnight, I think this product is great. It can be used for much more than just skincare and is so cheap you can use as much as you like and not feel guilty about using it. I wouldn't usually use this right before putting my makeup on as it does take a while to soak in. I do find the morning after using this the skin under my eye looks a lot healthier and a lot less 'black'.

The mid range product that I have been using is the Anew Vitale Eye Cream - I do like this product and tend to use it more in the morning as it soaks in really well and is perfect for putting on before applying make up. Just need to be careful that I don't get it in my eyes as it does sting quite a lot!! Overall not the best as I don't find it makes a massive difference to the appearance under eye area but it does make it feel more moisturised. It is available from Avon and is the 25+ range.

The high end product is the Estee Lauder Night Repair eye cream - I love this, I know its an expensive product and this is meant to be all about 'budget' products, however for me this was a budget product as I got it for free off my mother in law - however for me it would be worth every penny to re-purchase, not only does it leave my under eye area feeling very moisturised it also makes it look healthier, tighter and a much softer appearance. So overall my favourite product of the 3.

Do you have a favourite eye cream? Is it any of the above? Have you tried a common product like Vaseline as an eye cream and found it better than some proper eye creams? Let me know in the comments below - I would love to hear from you! 

Shell xx

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Sainsburys 'Dirty Works' Range

Recently I have been a little addicted to the Dirty Works range at Sainsburys, The do everything from Bath, Beauty and Beyond. I have purchased quite a few products out of the range and as budget items go they really are brilliant. I have recently done a small review on the 'you soft touch hand cream' you can see that HERE.

I will start off with the packaging, it is very colourful, inviting and fun, would appeal to a younger audience such as teenagers and also the price makes it a lot more accessible.

A selection of the products that I have
They do a massive range of products from hand creams, body butters, to eye creams and shampoo/conditioner. I haven't yet tried a lot of the products in the range but as they are reasonably priced I'm sure I will work my way through them! 

Visit the website HERE to see a full rundown of all the products including some very nice looking accessories which I think would make lovely gifts! Brilliant stocking fillers for teenage girls and most start from around £2.50 - £2.99.

Have you tried this range yet or are you now inspired to go out and give it a try? Let me know if there are products that you love/hate

Shell xxx

Friday 30 August 2013

Lee stafford Treatment For Hair That Never Grows Past A Certain Length

I am writing this today as I absolutely LOVE this product!

About 4 years ago I made the biggest mistake ever by getting my shoulder length hair cut really short, I immediately regretted it and spent the next year or so having to put up with frizzy unruly hair that I was so unhappy with. As it grew longer it just got worse and worse as there was no shape to it and I didn't want to get it cut as didn't want to lose any length. Now if I knew back then what I know now I don't think this would have been half as stressful as it was.

I saw a review of this on a YouTube video in about March and I knew that I needed to get this product, It is the Lee Stafford Treatment For Hair That Never Grows Past a Certain Length. A little bit pricey at around £7.99 a tub but it is the BEST thing I have ever put on my hair. I have been using it now for around 5 months. I love the smell, the texture of the product and even though it might seem expensive you do get a good amount of product for your money (200ml). 

I really think as well that it has made a difference to my hair, I stopped using it for a month or 2 and my hair growth definitely seemed to slow down, now I've started using it again I'm hoping it will have another growth spurt! 

All round brilliant product and does exactly what is says on the tin :)

If you love this product or have any similar products that are similar let me know in the comments 

Shell xxx